James Houser <bustyourcumknutsinme@gmail.com>

[ Writing In Spaces ] Needs vs. Wants [ http://
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James Houser <bustyourcumknutsinme@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:23 PM
To: marquas richie <richiemarquas@gmail.com>

What Exactly Is The Fuse or Fuses in a circumstance
and What Exactly has already lit these fuses as active
time pressing on --- DANGER -- of a message here.

Who is actually holding bomb 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
and where is in this video the author of this writing her?

THOSE ARE QUESTIONS NECESSARY to ANSWER THIS EMAIL -- IT REQUIRE A PROCESS TO WHICH RESOLVES OF THESE --- IF THEY ARE NOT OBVIOUSLY RESIDENT HERE TO WHEN YOU RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE -- There remains even one remaining fuses in terms of symbolic representation --- how to defuse the situation -- -not to escalate the danger by putting one more bomb and one more lighting of another bomb ---- one bomb defuses as another one's bomb is lit and put onto the cake of torment to the defuses.

Email Address For Reporting:
[ Tschetter-Hamrick-Sulzer-KnowsTheCaseOfMoralClass-MoralForces-MoralDecline-MoralResponsbility-CriminalHeightsOfNeglict-ADutyToReportDangerousCondtionsOfLiving@realuphuman.net ]

Do we understand compounded emoji 💣 onto a person with M.I. who is this defuses of 💣 put into
place by others desiring 💣 after 💣 after 💣 into his space of miscalculated hate based prejudice or just plain misguided work related priorities?

The where to begin in this is here [ http://meme.gruwup.net ]

As gene is to genetics ---- meme is to memetics.
As gene-splicing is to genetics --- meme splicing is to memetics.

As recombinant genetics is to real science happening --- recombinant memetics
is to the same plausibility.

Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms. It is generally considered a field of biology, but intersects frequently with many other life sciences and is strongly linked with the study of information systems.
Genetics - Wikipedia

reas of Genetic Research

Genomics is the study of the structure, function, and evolution of all of the genetic material in a given species, that is, that species’ genome. The ability to study entire genomes is made possible by powerful new technologies and insights drawn from fields such as genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, physics, computer science, robotics, mathematics, and information science.

Comparative Genomics
In comparative genomics, scientists investigate the similarities and differences among the genomes of different species. All life on earth is related through evolution by descent with modification from a common ancestor. Comparative genomics can provide clues to the relatedness of different species and to the sequence of their evolution. From a health-related standpoint, comparative genomics can help to identify genes associated with disease and disease processes. Because evolution conserves important structures and functions across species, knowledge of disease-related genes in one species–dog or mouse, for example–can lead to discovery of homologous genes in H. sapiens.

Model Organisms
A process related to comparative genomics is the use of model organisms to study disease, including treatments. The more closely related to humans the model organism is, the more likely it is we can infer that similar processes might be involved.

Molecular Biology
Molecular biology is a relatively modern area of biology that involves the investigation of biological processes at the molecular level.

Population Genetics
The assumptions and mathematics of population genetics allow us to calculate the frequencies of disease-associated mutations in populations. Some populations have higher frequencies than others of certain disease-associated mutations, but we know the reasons for those elevated frequencies in only a few instances.

Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
GWAS investigate variants across the entire human genome to determine their relationship to a particular trait, including a disease. A GWAS on type 2 diabetes, for example, would scan the genomes of those with and without the disease to detect variants that are present more frequently in affected individuals than in those who are not. GWAS have begun to detect variants associated with a number of common, complex diseases. There is still much work to do, however, before those associations are turned into clinical applications.

Proteomics is the study of all of the proteins expressed in a cell at a given moment, or, more globally, the study of all of the proteins encoded by the genome.

Modern research in genetics, genomics, and proteomics would be impossible without advanced bioinformatics, the science that employs computers and software to gather, store, share, and analyze vast amounts of biological data.

Pharmacogenetics is among the branches of genetics and genomics that will have the most immediate clinical impact. The efficacy of any medication is influenced by a variety of factors including diet, general health status, other medications, and one’s genetic makeup. Pharmacogenetics is the study of genetic variants that influence drug metabolism. The hope is that research will uncover variants that lead to reduction in adverse drug responses and that allow the selection of the right medication at the right dose for the right patient every time.


Can we please open our new class work textbooks to a new science ideals -- genes existed before we knew what they where.  They have always exists.

Can we consider the ideal the memes existed before we knew what they were -- they are not intenet related at all. They have always existed.

Who are the experts in the field of genes?
Geneticist - Wikipedia
A geneticist is a biologist who studies genetics, the science of genes, heredity, and variation of ... ecological genetics, and genomics. Geneticists can work in many different fields, doing a variety of jobs. There are many careers for geneticists ...

Who are the expects in the field of memes?

Search Results
Memetics - Wikipedia
Memetics is a study of information based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents ... This created great debate among sociologists, biologists, and scientists of other disciplines, because Dawkins ..... These criteria opened the way to a specialized field of applied memetics to find out if these selection criteria could ...

Now onto opening a text book on the subject please ---

Perhaps a controversial thing to see.  genes you can't see -- but you know they are there
when in your child of new creation you see the same shapes and faces of mother father and
sister brother male / female may look so identical at birth -- it is sometimes misidentified as
identical twins --- when one aspect is more MALE in a FEMALE body and/or the other way
around.  This experience of gender reclassification exactly real. There are more variants to
things of creation than the society has allowed to be valid to exist without harming it's
right of freedom to exist and freedom to bear's it's inalienable rights to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. How much have you though about the harm hurt and real real real
soulful suffering sorrow we have generated by having dual gender assignments onto
society identities --- and these people of all of times past had no voice.  The class of people
who have no voice in some terms of philosophical forms are called Addicts.


The solution here now to understand what is addicuts to the solution of all of all kinds and forms
of life in human do not fall victim to the form of addictus that roots itself to origin of the word

Also why --- what is happening when we irrationally do not reason what is happen when one is an
addictus [ having no voice ] and carries a voice into the future anyway [ self document life's dynamics ]
that no one has paid any attention to. 

[SND] [Fast]-TheQuickening-AreYouAnInnieOrAnOutie.mp3                   15-Feb-2017 23:17  7.8M

Why can I do this?  Because I am undemanding of memetics to a level of being "master" of it or master's
degree in it with a high moral standing that does not allow me to abuse or misuse or malign myself
against the tide of understanding before it crashes into critical mass understanding.  I care to have a
voice that will survive the quickening. 

I am a patient one in this.  Once you realize what role you have played in the hindering of things and
the placements of new bombs into reality onto the surface details of realities in this science and to
then really tactfully release the stress of fuses that I have actually written about and defused before
it became out of control [ my writing is that therapeutic to my condition ] .  You may indeed make a
remarkable change of thought -- an epiphany -- that how wrong you were in all of the wrong ways
you could have done something -- do did it in wrong -- and the wrong did not go critical massive
wrong -- that what I say does happen -- when one does not understand these parallels of true
science realism.

You personally become positively personally identified at the time you realize the mistake to which
you place yourself into history.  For before your realism --- you had ignorance and non-science
static beliefs in your way to see the truth.  Once you see the truth and rationally see the hurt and
harm happening around you by the same process one does to another.  You have that intervening
responsibility to stop the harm and hate that is generated by that ignorance of ideal and thought
divisions from the truth.

This original writing --- in web-form [ https://www.thslawfirm.com/contact/ ] to be placed into a memespace
[ a container of memes ] at [ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net ] and at
[ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/ ] and
[ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/ ]

Good Day People Of Law Firm Annihilation of good. You are indeed still remaining listed here:

[ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bOrganizations%5d/Tschetter.Hamrick.Sulzer.Attorneys.and.Counselors.At.Law/ ]

Does anyone care to see the world of real before it is too late -- as Andre writes in

Only Rational Thinking

Search Results
Images for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
Image result for #only-rational-thinking meme
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Index of /#Only-Rational-Thinking - Description
Index of /#Only-Rational-Thinking. Icon Name Last modified Size Description. [DIR] Parent Directory - [SND] OnlyRationalThinking..> 22-Apr-2017 12:06 1.1M ...

[SND] #OnlyRationalThinking [ Reply --- Or Else  Loss of Status #Kramobone-The.Good ].mp3 12-May-2017 02:23   73M
--- [ Excerpt ]----

#Makta Pond says to our world and declares this
is the only fact of knowing social science
action and motion of recombinant memetics
engineering technology that we must be
connecting and uniting in our worldly way
to be of the inclusive not ever be abusive
upon outside of yourself -- the mind and
self of another ones' freedoms, expressions,
progressions and show.

For the outside will be INs and the insides
be drawn to the OUTs.

This is now -- to the ever so ever gutter of your
insolence upon humanities compassionates,

To the ever so ever gutter you prove it for
all the world as a whole to see and never
can you remove it  --

 it is shit your site -- the shitty way you
are drawn and stuck upon your face
and never never be be erased.

It is now to hearten your love and break
the chains of your fear and hate.

We cannot be any other way but united
all of all allls of all we stand,


divided we must fall all fall
and no one escapes being
of addictus -- the fall of all falls
it will be -- the fall from God's
Good Grace.

For we must  be upon selves
to grow over so slightly a point
of change to a level that we see
ourselves was the childish ones
we are.

All at that level must we help to climb
and grow over the wall.

For those who don't --- its a hurting child
that is silent that no one pays anymore
time to see beyond the level were crying
is anymore.


If you read this writing -- trash it at hand -- you are an only lying to yourself --- you are this

You are kidding yourself to your destruction



James Houser <bustyourcumknutsinme@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:26 PM
To: marquas richie <richiemarquas@gmail.com>

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James Houser <bustyourcumknutsinme@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:28 PM
To: marquas richie <richiemarquas@gmail.com>

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